Started reading from a daily devotional book and this was today's passage:
John 4:27-38 (New International Version)
The Disciples Rejoin Jesus
27Just then his disciples returned and were surprised to find him talking with a woman. But no one asked, "What do you want?" or "Why are you talking with her?"
28Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, 29"Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ[a]?" 30They came out of the town and made their way toward him.
31Meanwhile his disciples urged him, "Rabbi, eat something."
32But he said to them, "I have food to eat that you know nothing about."
33Then his disciples said to each other, "Could someone have brought him food?"
34"My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. 35Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. 36Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. 37Thus the saying 'One sows and another reaps' is true. 38I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor."
I did some thinking, I here are some people that have had an influence in my life; people who pushed me toward Christ:
Mom and Dad = raised me in a Christian home and taking me to church. Raising me up as teh Bible instructs them to do as parents and not just letting me choose what I thought was right.
Mimi (my dad's mom)= gave me my 1st study bible. I know I had lots of previous Bibles, but this was the first one I really remember using. Got me hooked on the ol NIV. I also remember several instances when I had questions or struggles and Mimi was there to pray w/ me.
Benji and Cory = 2 guys from college that really showed me a good example of being yourself and living for Christ.
I think this passage of Scripture is so true (duh, it's scripture, right?). Many times I've heard people say (including myself): "plant the seed. you may need ever see this person get saved, but your job is to just plant the seed."
I've always been cool w/ this; however, what if the Lord is calling me to "reap the harvest"? Someone may be all "ripe" from someone else's planting and watering and God may be calling me to be the reaper (no jokes aloud about "Grim Reaper", lol). It's cool to be the sower, but it's also real exciting to be the reaper.
Let's get to work!