Road Laxatives and an Angry Societyone time it took me 13 minutes to get to work.
i don't say that to rub salt in your LA traffic wounds, but i say that to agree w/ you. how? well, it made me mad that it took so long. i think we have to keep thinkgs in perspective. i listened to some john maxwell the other day, and he told this story, "a girl wrote to her mother about troubles since going off to school... she dropped out of college, married a man she met in a bar, got pregnant, getting married then coming back home to live w/ parents, etc, etc... then she went on to say, none of the previous was true, but that she did have a "D" in geometry, and was failing calculus and she wanted her mom that she wanted to accept theses grades in their proper perspective." I found this very amusing, since i wrote a similar letter in middle school at some point. Well, keep things in perpective, be a problem spotter not just a problem spotter, and don't ever let go of humor.
Challenge for the day: try and have a "near-life" experience today (not a "near-death" experience).