Saturday, April 14, 2007

Ah yes. The pond...

Well, my luck has changed. The final pond piece has finally arrived! Well, final as in... the final piece needed to **start** the completion process. I still need a pump, tubing, flowers, fish, a bridge.... you get the point. But for now, I can start putting the liner in, and begin filling w/ water. No pics as of yet. I'll be working on the pond this weekend, if I make any decent progress, I'll post new pics.

Tree, Fence, and Pond...(part 2)

Our tree is gone, a new fence is up, and the pond... well, I'll make a new post for that.
old fence



pull out old posts

drill holes w/ auger

set new poles

attach braces


Pond-Side after our EASTER SNOW!!!

Fence Gate