Well, I've decided to clean up my blog. It's long overdue for a fresh new look and more importantly, some fresh new content. It's been brought to my attention that the content of my blog has been lacking. I was challenged to make my posts more "mature". Not in the "R-rated" sense, but in a way that might be more uplifting, positive, constructive, encouraging, and most of all a reflection and outpouring of the Lord's presence in my life. I'm sure I'll still have some funny posts from time to time and will probably still post a few random YouTube videos, but I hope my posts can be a bit more "meaty" (in a 1 Corinthians Chapter 3 kind of way). I'll probably be going thru some of my old posts and possibly deleting some that I'm not too proud of. I'd love to hear any comments. God bless.