Notes from Sunday School at
Southside Baptist Church.
Jackson Boen is the teacher for our Young Married's class.
Ephesians 4:29-32 = The "prerequisite" for today's study.

6 Gold Nuggets from the Boen's (Jackson and Becky):
1. Understand men & women are different:
- doesn't mean one is better than the other, just different
- women's needs:companionship, significance, emotional responsiveness (regarding intimacy)
- men's needs: admiration (the "superhero syndrome"), physical responsiveness, regarding intimacy), companionship
2. use your ears
- relative verses: Prov 1:5; 17:1; 18:2,13-15; James 1:19
- our spouses perception is our reality: don't waste too much time defending your comments, but deal w/ the reality/perceptions. (if you say something and it's taken the wrong way, that is simply how your spouse perceived it and that perception should be addressed as opposed to defending what you originally said)
3. be intentional
- spend 15-20 minutes each day talking. "couch time"
- schedule some talking "dates". give each other 3 questions to answer the day prior to the date, then talk about them on your date.
- be creative: letters, notes, cards, shoe polish car, sidewalk chalk messages, etc.
4. learn his/her love language. there are 5:
- acts of service
- touch
- quality time
- gifts
- words of encouragement
(note: mine is quality time and words of encouragement, but jennifer's are different. so I have to make sure i'm speaking "her" love language and not mine; make sure i'm not solely trying to give her words of encouragement when her #1 love language might be acts of service. It is, however, to remember that all are important and good.)
5. Dream big and plan.
crazy things are going to happen. what if you were asked to move out of the state b/c of your job. do you know if you spouse and/or family would support you in that? talk about it now before you have to make the decision.
6. Learn how to apologize.
(note: i had to skip out early for worship practice, so i missed the explanation on this one, but it seems pretty self explanatory).