RE: Two Questions
What do I believe? that Whataburger brought back the honey bbq chicken strip sandwich! Amen.
What am I doing? eating one. and not sharing.
I also believe there is more out there for people than what is presented to people. This goes for pretty much all areas of life. So many times we take the first thing that is told to us, and make it our own belief and never question it. I think this is so wrong! That first "impression" could be "right/good" but there also might be something better. We may not be able to ever fully research every thing we encounter in life, but we should try. I'm not saying that we should never have faith or trust anyone, but asking questions and seeking wisdom and understanding is also good.
Take finances for one... I have met with so many people that think their current financial "plan" is solid; although 99.9% of the people I talk to have NO financial education at all. How could they possibly know? So, thru Primerica (the company I work for), we offer to do a Financial Needs Analysis (FNA... hehe... everytime I say that, I think of Office Space). This FNA shows them where they are currently, and then shows them how they can reach their goals and dreams. On top of that, its FREE! no catch what-so-ever. After offering to do this for their family, I assumed that EVERYONE of them would be retarded not to do it. What do you have to lose? but no, MANY of them turn it down. I've come to learn that there are many reasons why, its not just b/c they are retarded. It could be b/c they are embarassed or maybe just a bit to hard-headed (usually the guys). So, if you know anyone in Abilene that could use some financial "coaching", have them give me a call/email.
I would also recommend doing a "double check" on your religious beliefs, too. Do you believe things b/c you researched them in the Bible, or is it b/c that was how you were raised, and some rule in the church by-laws says that's a no-no.
Develop who YOU really are, and then Be Yourself.
For Love of the Best of All Books
4 years ago
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